
Agriculture in India

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As stated by Wikipedia, “Agriculture, also called farming or husbandry, is the cultivation of animals, plants, fungi, and other life forms for food, fiber, biofuel and other products used to sustain life.” Agriculture, as an activity or a profession dates back to thousands of years. In India, it still remains the prime occupation and accounts for about 50% of the total workforce. Agriculture in India is gigantic and diverse. With one of the largest arable land areas in the world, India is one of the primary producers of various crops, fruits and vegetables. However these big figures are also accompanied by the average size of land holdings being less than 2 hectares. On one side, there are farmers with export power; while on the other hand, thousands of farmers barely earn enough to survive. Access to resources is almost non-existent in various areas. Traditional practices and dependence on weather are sometimes the only tools a farmer has. Illiteracy and poverty lead to a vicious circle restricting their growth. Irrigation facilities are still inadequate and a bad monsoon many a times results in farmers committing suicide out of misery. The story keeps getting darker and most of the reforms that appear to be directed towards their good, show their true face only when their corruption scams are exposed.

With a long history of agricultural activities and wonderful natural resources, Indian agriculture could have been much better than what it is today. But it’s never too late to take the right turn. With pure intentions and well-designed efforts, Indian agriculture can prove its real potential. Through GreenSky, we bring technology to support agriculture. We make an attempt to create a knowledge network in agriculture and provide as many services and support to all the stakeholders. All together we can give each and every farmer the best possible support and turn the face of Indian agriculture.

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